she came over to my house and pick me up and mei zi went for lunch and mosin, den off we go to her house. reson why she call me is to set up her table... -.-
setting up her table
mei zi inside her brother room doing her homework.
i'm still setting up the table..
mei zi came to look see look see..
den help sheau hanng to clean her room.. she damn lazy man... oh oh and her hair jesus...
stack all her stuff outside..
oh and we go through her all stuff.. see how small size is she.. lol...
her small shisha. i told her when she is doing her work she can smoke shisha wei lol... damn cute.. haha
then saw her mask.. try it on and camhore haha...
then saw this small mask damn cute hse bought it from switzerland
den after we finish setting up the table cleaning her room sucking all her hairsss.. den put on her new carpet... wah~~ a new room.... hehe
two time already.. everytime i go her house i have to do the prawn... damn next time i'm not going to touch the prawn....~~ ken, sheau hanng, me and mei zi decided to do cookies and cheese cake at sheau hanng's house. hehe
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