Friday, April 17, 2009

Jogging at Kiara Park...
the other day we went to kiara park to jog with py, ys, mz, me and ken. ken was the last to come and he even wear a sweater -.- lol.. and py even wear a slipper... =.=
me and mei zi.

me and ys...

Pao Yu = abalone.....

Pao yu and mei zi


me and ys doing sit up..

come on ys.. you can do it... lolzz.. -.-

ken and pao yu sao pei lah...

just look at them... haizzz

come on ys we can do it lolz...

ok time to go.. hehe.. good work.. ^^
Old asia at ou..
went to eat lunch at old asia with ys, su, dd, py and me.. me and su eat nasi lemak.. hehe.. the chicken there damn nice man...
yau suen and pao yu

su and dd.. look at su's face haha...

su su~~~ hahaahahah (inside joke)..
Dinner at my house...
the other day ys was saying: i cant go out and eat, i need to go home and eat dinner...
ck: yer you damn nice lah.. even me also got no dinner at home..
ys: ok we cook dinner together and eat lah..
ck: ^^
ys: =.=
ys cooking dinner... she cooked curry... and i cook egg with prawn plus dancing mushroom.. ^^

the future chef look... damn lan c wei... ~~~

den su cook her ogliolio something something dont know how to spell.. is like a pasta without the sauce.. is just the bacoon and mushroom.. damn nice man.. her dish is the first to finish man..

su, dd, and pao yu

ken and mei zi, ken came damn late man.....

after finish eating everyone squezze inside my roomm.. hehe sorry, i will remake my room with sofa ok.. den you guys will feel better^^.. hehe..

oh i can see myself... hehe

su yea..
omg i almost forgot decanter picturesss.. su i want the picssssss....
oh actually in this post is already 3 post.. lolz..
next post.. clubbing in MOS!!

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