Friday, April 17, 2009

Ys birthday outting at LA BODEGA and MOS~~
at the afternoon, christy reach to kl, ys's singapore friend.. she came all the way here to celebrate ys's birthday.. damn cool right haha.. anyway.. we went to old asia again.. to eat so call lunch.. den hang out at osc for awhile.. den went home to dress up... after we finish everything.. we went to LA BODEGA to have our dinner with everyone.. and ys...
ys and christy.. ok everybody meet chirsty.. very friendly girl to mix with...
mei zi and me
ken and mei zi
su and dd awwww...
ys and christy
me and my praaaadddaaaa~
oh we even buy a damn 7 hard cake for ys.. hahaha.. only we know what is it about the cake.. haha lolz.. after dinner den off we go to MOS...

me mei zi and ken was having trouble to go in.. coz we dont know where is the entrance.. lolz...

su and mei zi..

mix mix mix...

ok drink lolz..

ok brother drink..........

pao yu, me, su and ys

ys, mei zi and me

ys, mei zi and me

ys, christy and pao yu

yau suen and kwee huey...

yau suen, kwee huey and me

ok fast fast cheeeeeerrrssss~~~ omg where is my face...

pao yu, su and me... we were all so high already man..

pao yu, yau suen, su and me..

omg o.0 look at pao yu... damn high already.. haha...

omg the dance.. hahahahah... just look at pao yu's face...

ys say after we finish the first bottle.. off to the dance floor...

brother.... HAPPY 22 BIRTHDAY to you.. i hope you had a great wan...

pao yu and kwee huey..

su and kwee huey

pao yu and me.. =P

look at su's face... ahahahah..
omg you guys remember this.. jesus.. but i dont have a picture of me...... when ys pour for me =(

su sangat berbrave..

omg look at dd's face... ys cannot aim..

me and mei zi

mei zi and kwee huey..

kwee huey was like the music to loud... lolz..

me and mei zi

me, mei zi and su

kwee huey and me

me and ken.. omg he was drunk also.. -.-

me and su

after we finsih dancing. den we went to smoke.. after smoke all of us went to toilet.. den what happen in the end.. ys puke... lolz.. ya again.. this time cleaner lolz..

ys puking.. the first puke...

ys the second puke.. if you notice.. christy is rubbing her back in a very very not nice look.... haha

me damn cham have to suffer the smell..

pao yu..

ys the third time puking.. -.-

su, mei zi, pao yu and christy...

there were 6 ppl inside the toilet... lucky it was a big toilet...

christy adn ys. look at ys hahaha...

christy: omg ys i'm your sifu.. but how come you fail...
ys: er........ hmmm.....
me posing in the toilet..
me and christy...
christy even climb the toilet bowl to take pic.. haha..

ys the 4th and lat time puking hahahaha...

mei zi damn cham have to tahan the smell also lolz..

christy: ys still wanna puke or not..
ys: let me out from here now... i cannot stand the music now.. NOW!!
ck:okok we bring you out ok...
outside sunway hotel fountain.. kong already..
after everything den we went to ken's house to fetch him back.. den off we go to su's house.. at shah alam..
me with ys tie.. nice i like hehe..

what a night... !!

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